“gaze at the house in that area”
1/12-29 2023 at OGU MAG


  • Works|アーティスト|林 京平|ポートフォリオサイト
  • Works|林 京平|ポートフォリオサイト




ʻʻabsence makes the heart grow fonder.ʼʼ


そんな2 つの力のバランスに、あの辺の家々のことを思い出し、重ね合わせてみる。

About "View of the house in that area"
and my work

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, the city where I was born and raised, was developed as a large-scale new town built for the purpose of relocating Tokyo's population to the suburbs. The city was lined with beautiful man-made views of condominiums, model homes, and commercial facilities, all of which were flimsy and full of convenience, without encountering any kind of clutter or culture. The view is like a Lego block. The form is simple, streamlined, and clear, with no complexity. That is why the parts fit together to form a form. This is a similar feeling to when looking at a community, such as a country, a town, or a family. Even in a community, a form that is adapted to form the community is required. Such Lego-like artificial flatness can be seen in the streetscape of Tsukuba.

For the sake of development, buildings are built and torn down one after another, one after another, one after another. The house in which I was born and raised was also built in such a repetitive process. The house was decided to be demolished because it contained asbestos, a substance harmful to the human body. The residents were forced to leave and the land was sealed off until a buyer could be found for the land, until the demolition. Since the land was owned by the state, no one was allowed to enter. The houses were abandoned and overgrown with vegetation. They lost their assigned roles and functions and moved away from their purpose and intent. They seemed to belong to someone, but they did not. The houses in that neighborhood are on such a fine balancing act of boundaries.

‘‘absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

This word means, "Being spatially separated makes the heart grow fonder of the other person." It has the meaning of ‘‘absence makes the heart grow fonder.’ I wonder what the houses in that neighborhood see when they are away from the community of the country, the city, and the family.

The works in "operation" are the result of manipulations such as placement and reproduction on a computer screen and output. The act of manipulation exerts an artificial and dominant force on the works. I was conscious of a certain violence. Only the desired form is cut out, the detailed events are removed, and a boundary is drawn with respect to the surrounding space. As an antagonist of such artificial forces, I prepared a space to invite in natural, phenomenal forces. The permeable acrylic material interacts with the surrounding space. It blurs the boundary between the work and the surrounding space.
The balance of these two forces reminds me of the houses in that neighborhood, and I try to superimpose them on each other.